Marek Piaček

First: Trixi Pospíšilová / Prvá: Trixi Pospíšilová

Documentary, TV series
40 mins
Peter Kerekes

The “First” series presents women who wanted to be internally free, who wanted to realize themselves, some wanted to change the world or were just fulfilling their dreams.

Beatrix Pospíšilová-Čelková. The story of this “first female spy” has a special place in the context of the whole “First” cycle. This is not a woman who fought for her profession, who left behind a significant work. However, her life is a powerful testimony to the civil anti-fascist resistance during the World War II. She could have fulfilled her secret mission as a spy well, perhaps because she was a woman. In her case, her feminine weapons, charm, linguistic skills, self-control, and innocent-looking face were used in the war to quietly subvert the enemy. The section on Trixie is a revival of the historical memory of non-communist anti-fascist resistance. At the same time, her story touches on the still very much untapped subject of the status of our women and their involvement in the World War II.

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