Marek Piaček

First: Hana Gregorová / Prvá: Hana Gregorová

Documentary, TV series
40 mins
Zuzana Liová

The “First” series presents women who wanted to be internally free, wanted to realize themselves, some wanted to change the world or were just fulfilling their dreams. The first one who openly named the humiliating situation of women in Slovak society at the turn of the 19th and 20th century and took steps leading to their emancipation was Hana Gregorová. She was one of our first feminists. Hana Gregorová was the first feminist in Slovak society to openly name the humiliating situation of women at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and to take steps leading to their emancipation. She was one of our first feminists. She broke free from the confining conditions of small-town society in contemporary Martin and found company among artists and intellectuals not only in the first Czechoslovak Republic but also in many European countries. Through her numerous activities in public life, she defended her ideals, which, in addition to the establishment of equality for women, included the protection of democracy and the alleviation of social disparities.

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