Marek Piaček

20th Anniversary: 66 seasons, screening on 35mm film with the filmmakers

2nd Aug, 2023 6:00 pm / Košice / Kino Úsmev



We invite you to a special screening of the documentary 66 Seasons on 35mm film with the participation of the filmmakers led by director Peter Kerekes on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the film’s release.

The stylized documentary by director Petr Kerekes in condensed form tells the story of 66 seasons of the Old Swimming Pool in Košice. The whole story of the history of this place of human encounters is framed by the director’s visual memories of his grandfather. With a subtle touch of nostalgia, Kerekes attempts to reconstruct the image of his seafaring dreams, and this line is supported and enriched by the narration of the director’s grandmother. However, the narrative flow of the film is not just concentrated on this thematic layer; it grows into a variety of narrative wanderings that are part of the memories of several characters, their life destinies – their stories. Through them, the film also presents small features from the communist period, not forgetting the Holocaust or other events of World War II. Despite the fact that fragments of tragic events of history are also embedded in the mosaic of the film, the film looks relaxed and humorous, in the words of the director – “playful”.

Skladby (úpravy) Marka Piačeka na tomto podujatí

Compositions (arrangements) by Marek Piaček at this event

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