Marek Piaček

Johan uvádí

13th Sep, 2015 8:00 pm / Plzeň / Johan, Moving station

Festival / Cyklus koncertov

Festival / Concert cycle

International festival THEATRE, 24th year
7th Sep, 2015 – 15th Sep, 2015



2′ 16″ and a half: Space Odyssey – A contemporary opera created by children and professional musicians from the Slovak Philharmonic in Bratislava. They cooperated on an equal footing, during which the children penetrated the world of contemporary music and experienced what it is like to play in an orchestra. The professional musicians enter into their game in all seriousness. The main axes of the plot are silence and children’s ghost stories. The greatest challenge when working with an orchestra consisting of over twenty children is how to achieve silence. The inspiration for the project comes from rehearsing John Cage’s famous composition 4′ 33″.

Skladby (úpravy) Marka Piačeka na tomto podujatí

Compositions (arrangements) by Marek Piaček at this event

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